Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Sarah at 5 months

Sarah dah masuk 5 bulan, gigi pun dah mula tumbuh, and that explains why she will spread her hands widely & greedily, try to grab any food in ummi & ayah's hands. We haven't introduce any solid food until she's 6 months old, and I am impatiently wait for that (and I did being impatient by sometimes feed her with blitzed fruit puree!) And a rather not so girly thing that Sarah loves to do is screaming so loud, so loud until someone picks her up. And the best thing at the moment, Sarah dah boleh meniarap, yay! I don't know why I'm telling you these, but I feel that every little changes that happen to a growing child is just priceless. Happy days.


izra said...

Yanti!!!!Seronok baca kisah kau and Sarah. It's soo cute!Bila la aku dpt jmpe little princess kau tu? Haih...BTW,I can understand why you are telling us the itsy bitsy bits of Sarah's growing up days. U know what, I can imagine myself doing the same thing! Haha!

Opie said...

Alahai.. comel!

Hm, I always thought girls tend to scream the loudest when they want something..

Yelah, kita kan kaum yang suke ambil/tarik perhatian? ;p

Happy days! ^^

Shana said...

Haha. Comel. Lps ni amek video, upload plak.

Anonymous said...


Isma Yanti said...

aku mmg tak sabar nak balik ni. tapi nampaknya, sarah dah setahun lebih kot nanti bru dapat jumpa korg semua....hu

mmg girls ske attention..and manja...
lagi2la kalau daddy's girl kan : )

shana n D.I. :
nak video ke?
insyaallah next posting nanti ya.