Alhamdulillah, our newborn daughter, Anna Sumayyah bt. Mohd Hazimin.
Born on 14th Dec 2010, 7.30 am at the Princess Royal Maternity Glasgow.
What an emotional journey! Never thought that having two children born so close together made me so emotional. I wish I can hold them both at the same time, all the time : (
sarah n sumayyah : ummi sayang both of you ok...remember that
to abang : I love you very much. Terima kasih for all the time & love you've spent with me n our children. I cannot imagine life without you dear.
to our family & friends : terima kasih atas doa & ucap selamat kalian : )
Yay, first commenter.. ^^
To Isma & Sir Hazimin, alhamdulillah & congrats on the newborn baby daughter! Semoga hidup tambah ceria dengan kehadiran Anna..
Isma, cepat la balik! akak belum pun dapat dukung Sarah lagi and it's been too long since I've seen you, friend.. :)
Yanti and Sir, congratulations!!!
Masa tok batin sms bgtau ko dpt baby girl kan, aku seriyes tgh dok teringat kat ko.mcm ada telepati plak.hehe.bila nak balik,nnt lama2 ko jd org putih betul2 mcm yg abhar ckp dulu2.hehe
p/s: Sarah seems so grown up in the photo. Dah ada aura2 kakak dah...
Thanks you being so lovely mum..I miss you so much..
Abi Sumayyah
Isma and Sir, alhamdulillah and congrats!
huhu~sarah dah ada adik baru.
isma and sir,
alhamdulillah and congrats!
yayy~sarah dah dpt adik baru.
sir, tahniah. kali ni confirm2 saya tak boleh kejo tambah baby...
isma lah juara!
Kak Isma, Sir Hazimin & Kaklong Sarah~
Tahniah di atas kehadiran ahli keluarga baru :)
TO ALL : tq tq tq. apala perkabaran korg semua ya....mesti dema tgh bizi kerja n stadi ni.
penat juge nak jaga two kids ni rupa2nya..huhu
thanks a lot kak : ) we'll be back soon insyaAllah!
tq so much dude..
eh bile plak abhar ckp camtu ek, aku x ingat plak...
plz cepat2 siapkan thesis tu ye.
tq so much cik ann!
juara apa plak...xde nak lumba ngan sesape pun
semoga anak2 menjadi bekalan utk akhirat kita nanti insyaAllah..
tq ya bie : )
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