sumayyah in stripes : )
my little sunshine
the girl with the goggle
Alhamdulillah, syukur dgn izinNya, kalau takde aral, kami akan pulang ke Malaysia for good, Sabtu ni 12 Mac 2011.
I think I am supposed to be happy, which I am. But somewhere, I am emotional about the fact that I am going to leave the place of where I raised my two daughters (or should I say their father too?).
To my love, I cannot ever understand how on earth you can still think of your lab & supervisors after your viva? Is anyone out there love their job as much as this man? You are a legend.
To mak, ibu, abah and adik2, family & friends, thanks for the support & doa. we cannot thank you enough.
To my Glaswegian family and friends, the memories are for ever.
And Malaysia, here we come : )....
p/s : We'll be at Kuantan, IM 15 insyaAllah... Do drop by!
Isma & Family, welcome home! ^^
I know what it feels like to leave a temporary place you've called home the past couple of years.. No worries, I'm sure the friendships will last!
Looking forward to seeing you guys soon! ^^
I'll drop by insyaAllah.. one more important info. my RUSA dah look brand new!! jom la kita drift. bawak sarah dan sumayyah sekali...hihi. nak pusing stereng pun dah senang. :)
Kami ke Kuantan the weekend of 19th & 20th March, kalau sempat bolehlah jumpa ya!
We're all looking forward to welcoming you home. :)
Kak opi, tok batin & yati n frens:
For the first 2 weeks kat mesia, kami maybe ada di k.slangor, kuala terengganu & KB. Then baru ke kuantan.
Nanti kalau dah setel down urusan 'spring cleaning' rumah kat kuantan, insyaAllah kita bleh wat reunion cum my house warming.
I'll contact u guys later k! Ada rezki kita jumpa lg, InsyaAllah...
X sabaq nak jumpa korg : )
Yanti and family, welcome home!!! Can't wait to see u and your girls!!
Welcome home Kak Isma!
Rasa macam baru semalam jer saya & 'aisyah bersesat-sesat nak ke kenduri akak & now, Dr. Hazimin :)
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